The device

The idea of the Struzzo was conceived around 1995 by Ing. mr. Francesco Miotto
During the proces of developing a muscular disease, at some point he was bound to a wheelchair. He looked for a way to be able to stand up without the help of his wife.
Because of his job as engineer he was able to come up with a brilliant solution which became the first Struzzo. It was made of wood and although very different in appearance from the current Struzzo, the concept is still the same.
After the realisation of the first Struzzo mr. Miotto wanted to take it a step further. Just standing up without help from others was just the beginning.
He wanted to move around the house in the Struzzo. So he engineered a drive unit which allowed him to go from room to room while standing in the Struzzo. This gave him so much freedom and made him far less dependant on the help of others that he decided to make this solution available to more people.

Hence the Struzzo was born. Conceived and designed  at the kitchentable….from a need for independence. Since then the Struzzo has evolved into the current version. Read on to get a better understanding of the unique features of the Struzzo.
The one and only autonomous transfer device.
If you want to talk with an expert about what the Struzzo could do for your life, then please call us.

Ing. Mr.Miotto, inventor of the Struzzo
The struzzo


Standing up

The unique way to stand up, or stay half-standing, with use of a seat via a controlled manner that is safe.
With 2 motors for all basic functions, a fitting posture can be maintained.


Standing for the knees

The knee is one of the major pivot points of the whole body. The knee supports of Struzzo that make all the difference, were made with anatomy in mind.


Driving versus Standing

There is literally a world of difference between standing still and moving around. With lots more functions you are practising, in body and mind, moving around standing is the way forward.



No more waiting for another person to help, no more slings to put on by others, no wavering in the air, no need for hurry because it is painful or uncomfortable: transfer yourself, if you can and when your condition allows for it.


Remote control

The latest newcomer on the Struzzo development: Remote Control on a keycord! With the finest technology in place, this makes it the ultimate independent transfer unit.

Struzzo Technical

Technical information about the Struzzo.